Sussex XC League – Match 2 – Plumpton, 23rd November 2013

November 26, 2013


B&H youngsters out in force

The U11 endurance group did very well on Saturday at a muddy Plumpton College in the 2nd Sussex XC League. The U11 race has been a recent addition to the League programme as training groups like ours have started to show a willingness to turn up and compete. The first few races last year only had a handful of runners whilst the two races so far this year have been much better attended. A few of the group stepped up to the U13 race as they have recently had their 11th birthday and are now eligible to compete against the older runners.  

Results U11:

Boys – 3rd Adam Firsht 6.29, 6th Sam Lidgard 6.38, 10th Josh Pay 6.48, 17th Timmy Bonner 7.23, 20th Joseph Chrisp 7.30, 21st Patrick Connolly 7.32, 22nd Will Matthews 7.37, 25th Finley Hunt 7.52.

Girls – 4th Roxy Jones 7.23, 5th Pia Lewis 7.27, 10th Ella Matthews 8.00, 18th Eva Adjare 9.05, 22nd Emma Carter 10.57.

Results U13:

Girls –8th Jemima Edwards 14.07, 15th Jessica Courtney 14.39, 16th Flo Robinson 14.40, 17th Niamh Halloren 13.48, 20th Elie Fitzgerald 15.03, 30th Lois Dooley 15.33, 31st Scarlett Miller 15.37

Team result 3rd B&H (A) 39pts, 8th B&H (B) 67pts.

Boys – 3rd Tom Eames 11.55, 5th Tomer Tarragano 12.28, 10th Finn Halloren 12.48, 11th Josh Firsht 12.48, 14th Sam Wilkinson 12.57, 15th Jamie Arnold 13.00, 16th Tom Wright 13.00, 19th Dom Pay 13.21, 34th Lucas Losh 14.16, 35th Toby Tattershall 15.01, 37th Patrick Connolly 15.17.

Team result: 2nd B&H (A) 18pts, 4th B&H (B) 40pts, 6th B&H (C) 69pts.

Thanks to U13 team managers/ coaches Pete Witcomb and Steve Jones.