Sussex Grand Prix Update

April 30, 2008

Hi All,

Hope you are all fit and well.

Please see the email (copied below) from the organisers of the
Heathfield 10k on 22nd June, which is part of the Sussex Grand Prix.
Not a major problem but just a warning that there may be some
difficulties with parking on the day so some guidance on where/how to
avoid the worst of the problems.

The Heathfield 10k is a very scenic, undulating country lane course
where it’s unlikely any PBs will be set but where you can really
appreciate the Sussex countryside at its best, and also where you can
normally place higher up in the field than the likes of Brighton or
Worthing 10ks and therefore score more SGP points in the process!

Other SGPs in the near future are Horsham on 11th May which like
Heathfield is a good one for scoring good points, Worthing 10k on
Wednesday 4th June, very flat with a real potential for a PB and the
Bewl 15, undulating circa 50% off road 15 miles very scenic and
enjoyable circuit of Bewl water – not to be missed!   

Hope to see you at some, if not all of the above

Best wishes

Tom Ulliot

See Heathfield 10k email below …………………

Hi all

Just a brief note in advance of numbers etc being forwarded to you and
your members to let you know parking may be at a premium this year for
the Midsummer Madness HRR 10k on 22nd June.

The rugby club has bought the field we normally park on (about 200m
towards Heathfield from the start) and are going to be doing some work
to create a new car park and pitch there.  It MAY start before our event
and restrict the space we have.  On top of this, Esso has now fenced off
a large area in Isenhurst country club behind the garage ready for
redevelopment so we have lost some space there.

In short, try and car share for the event.  There are other parks in the
area (we’re used to walking to some runs such as Brighton, of course)
such as the Co-op in Heathfield or, slightly nearer, the community
centre park on the junction of the A267 and Sheepsetting Lane – about a
one minute jog from the start.  If you find the field full and need to
park in Cross in Hand, do avoid Back Lane where we start – plenty of
space in the High Street!

Oh, and one last thing – The Cross in Hand pub and the Esso garage are
now clamping cars parked on their forecourt that do not belong to
customers. This is mainly to do with the rugby club, especially parents
of the young players, but they ARE doing it, so warn your members!

We’ll put some details in the accompanying sheet with the numbers, but
I’d be obliged if you would circulate this to your members so they know
well in advance just in case the field parking is restricted.

Many thanks!

Jeremy Price