Congratulations to our athletes who won awards at our recent Summer presentation and to Christel Shaw who was our club Official Of the Year.
We thank all the team managers, coaches, committee members and helpers who support our club.
Brighton and Hove AC Summer Awards 2023
Sussex League (u13)
Boy’s performance award Louis Ashworth
Boy’s contribution award Arthur Rogers
Girl’s performance award Seren Rowe
Girl’s contribution award Mia Diacci
Sussex league (u15)
Boy’s performance award Saul Bennett
“ contribution award Raffaele Barra
Girl’s performance award Halle Millard
“ contribution award Heidi Ely
YDL (u13)
Boy’s performance award Isaac Machin
Boy’s contribution award Joaquin Perez Rowe
Girl’s performance award Alex Koloutsos
Girl’s contribution award Florence Matten
YDL (u15)
Boy’s performance award Noah Walker
Girl’s performance award Angelina Diacci
Boy’s contribution award Kieran Parr
Girl’s contribution award Kira Dunford
YDL (U17)
Men’s performance award Dylan Calvey
Men’s contribution award Dylan Parr
Women’s performance award Stella Kalman
Women’s contribution award Dulcie Yelling
YDL (u20)
Men’s performance award Henry Yelling
Men’s contribution award Alex Riley
Women’s performance award Rachael Wall
Women’s contribution award Lucy Kirby
SAL: men’s performance award Toby Hawkins
“ “ “ Jack Wadman “ “ Matt Grinrod
SAL women’s “ “ Rachael Wall “ “ Livvy Connor
“ “ “ Dulcie Yelling
SAL: men’s contribution award Matt Smith
“ “ “ Toby Hawkins
“ “ “ Remi Coates
SAL: women’s contribution award Aneira Farrah-Daniel
“ “ “ Livvy Connor “ “ Tilly Wilburn
Veterans League:
Women’s performance: Stef Dornbusch Women’s contribution: Judith Carder
Men’s performance: Brian Steene
“ “ Kevin Baker
Men’s contribution: Richard McGregor
Official of the year: Christel Shaw