Brighton team finishes 35th in the English National 12 Stage Road Relay in Sutton Park (26th April 2008).
35 Brighton And Hove City AC 4:47:07
Chris Thomson (41) 29:07
Dan Titheradge (46) 16:56
Nigel Gates (39) 29:25
Luke Lambourne (39) 17:22
Andrew Donno (37) 30:09
Andrew Chapman (45) 19:08
Louis Taub (43) 31:29
Tom Ulliot (43) 17:52
Kevin Mason (40) 30:41
Neil Walford (41) 18:25
M Bristow (39) 30:16
David Boyce (35) 16:17
Full results are available here…
Photos courtsey of Brian Smith