The first Brighton and Hove Time Trial 5km run was on Sat 3rd November. A South African concept brought to UK 3 years ago – this is the first south of London and from all accounts should be very well attended once established.
The basic premise is a 5km time trial EVERY SATURDAY at 9am in HOVE PARK. The most important thing is that it is FREE to the participants and is looking to encourage as wide a range of participants as possible. We may get some top athletes but we are also looking to get keep-fit enthusiasts and beginners. Minimum age is 14 and you can run every week if you want.
You have to REGISTER on the web site prior to your first run and then just turn up – Run,Walk or Jog – get your place and time and then retire to chat about it in the Cafe (with the Big Beauty breakfast!!)
Also will be looking for volunteers and other helpers – there will be monthly prizes for athletes and volunteers!! get the word around – the Bushy Park run gets 360+ runners
First Brighton and Hove Time Trial
November 13, 2007