We are delighted to let you know that Brighton & Hove AC club nights are officially resuming from Tuesday 4th August 2020. Following UKA and government guidance we have strict regulations in place to ensure the safety of athletes, coaches and volunteers. One metre social distancing must be practised at all times.
DO NOT TURN UP TO THE TRACK WITHOUT BEING INVITED BY YOUR COACH – They will inform you in advance which day and session time you will be attending.
HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE – A B&H Health Questionnaire must be to be completed prior to the first training session and given to gate volunteers. Thereafter on every visit you will need to sign and date a form to say that the information given initially is still valid. A folder will be kept at the entry desk. *(The health questionnaire should be downloaded and handed in at the first session).
BE ON TIME – You will have a set arrival and departure time. If you are 15 minutes late you will not be able to attend the session. Please arrive at least 10 minutes before your session to ensure there are no hold-ups as you will be checked on the register, your temperature will be taken and you have to pay.
TEMPERATURE MONITORING – Your temperature will be taken on arrival. If it is high, you will not be able to train.
TRAINING FEES – Card Payments Only.
ARRIVE READY TO TRAIN – There are no changing facilities. Personal clothing/ kit should be stored in sports bags when not in use.
PARKING – The bottom (coach) car park will be used for entry and exit. This is opposite the bridge/ tunnel on Tongdean Lane. This area is also where all cars must be parked. DO NOT go through the main leisure centre reception. DO NOT enter via any other gate. DO NOT use the top car park or park and ride (where we previously parked) and under n circumstances pass through the Covid-19 testing centre in the park and ride car park to walk to training. An official complaint has been made to Freedom Leisure after athletes did this.
NO SPECTATORS – No one can be in the stands at this time. Parents must remain in the car park.
ONE-WAY SYSTEM – There will be a strict one-way system around the stadium. No one to wander onto the track, until they are with their coach in their designated training area.
TOILETS ARE ACCESSIBLE IN THE CLUBHOUSE – An entry/ exit process will be in place here. Please do not use the clubhouse for anything else. The café will not be open.
FIRST AID – Please bring your own first aid kit and hand sanitiser.
Please understand that these processes have been out in place to create a safe Covid environment that allows us to have more people at training. Whilst other clubs may have their own protocols, these are ours.
Hand sanitiser will also be available at the track at the entry point, and with your coaches.
Please be patient. It’s a steep learning curve for all of us and it is inevitable there will be teething problems!
If you have any questions direct them to Sarah Hewitt or the club’s COVID-19 officer Serena Smith.