Clubmark Accreditation Process

June 11, 2014

England Athletics ‘Accredited Club’ status forms part of the only national cross sports quality accreditation scheme, ‘Clubmark’. It is built around a set of core criteria which ensure that accredited clubs operate to a set of consistent, accepted and adopted minimum operating standards.

England Athletics recognises and values the commitment made by sports clubs to develop high quality, welcoming environments for all athletes. The development of athletics clubs which encourages people to take-up sport, improve their talents and initiate and maintain life-long participation in sport is an essential part of our work to support the sporting infrastructure in England.

Club Accreditation process

The process of gaining club accreditation is simple and all clubs can achieve accredited status. Pro-active clubs can work through the portfolio and complete their application in just 2-3 months. Many clubs that aren’t accredited yet will have some of the required infrastructure and processes in place already. For the procedures that aren’t already in place, England Athletics provides templates to make it easy to implement.

Club accreditation is something that all clubs, including those without junior sections, should work towards. There are many benefits that club accreditation can bring to all clubs.

Achieving England Athletics ‘Accredited Club’ status will ensure your athletics club or running club is nationally recognised as providing an ‘active, accessible and accredited’ club environment.

Clubmark consists of four key areas:

1.    Activity

2.    Duty of Care and Safeguarding and Protecting Club Members

3.    Knowing Your Club and its Community

4.    Club Management

More information

Club Accreditation can benefit an athletics club or running club in a number of ways, to see some of the potential benefits:
Click here for more information from England Athletics