AGM 2012

March 15, 2013



Location: Withdean Stadium, Tongdean Lane. Brighton

Present: Chairman and 14members as recorded in the log book.

Apologies for absence: received from 5 members as recorded in the log book.

Minutes of the 2012 meeting were signed as a true record.

General Secretary’s annual report: this report had been sent electronically to the club membership and hard copies were presented to those attending the AGM. The report was accepted by the attendees.

Finance report; Judith gave the finance report explaining that we are in a very sound financial position. Gate receipts and income from the Friday 365 sessions have given the club a healthy balance and has enabled us to be non-reliant on the Supporters Association which has been the case in the past. The Supporters Association had funded the new club house extension. The are several ring-fenced accounts that have separate purposes but are included in the club’s accounts. The accounts have been audited by Mr Clayson FCCA, a parent of a club member and Judith expressed her thank to him.
The finance report was accepted by those present.

Item 5: it was agreed that the management of the club would be in the hands of the officers elected in item 6.
Item 5B: to approve changes to our subscription methods and charges:
1st part: to abolish our non-competitive subscription rate. In an effort to simplify our charges Judith asked that the club remove this charge as it is only a tiny minority that pay this rate and we charge everyone as competitive members. This motion was passed by a majority vote.
2nd part: that the second claim members charge be simplified by charging a flat rate of £10 irrespective of age. At present the charges are 25% of the full rate and this means that some pay only £2 whereas some pay £8. This motion was also passed by a majority vote.

Item 6: election of officers: the following were elected or re-stood.
President: Derek Wood
Chairman: Mike Ellis-Martin
General Secretary: Bob Willows
Finance Secretary: Judith Carder
Membership Secretary: Mark Donaldson
Coaching Chairman: John Clements
Coaching Secretary: Mike Ellis-Martin
Officials Co-ordinator: Bob Willows
Fixtures Secretary: Chris Carter
Web site organisers: Adam Lewis
Clubhouse Trustees: Chairman, General Secretary and Finance Secretary

Team Managers
Summer men and women: Richard Carter
Youth Development league:
Under 13’s: Pete Witcomb
Under 15,s: Jannice Farrah Daniel assisted by Steve Jones
Under 17’/20’s: Josh Freed assisted by Ian Crowe-Wright
Veterans: Mike Airey assisted by Judith Carder
Under 13’s league: Pete Witcomb
Under 15’s League: Jannice Farrah Daniel
Winter Women: Tom and Cathy Ulliott
Winter Men: Howard Bristow
Veterans: Pete Witcomb
Under 17/15/13 girls: Mignon Springett
Under 17/15/13 boys: Karen Noakes
Sports hall league: Pete Witcomb
3 committee members: Graham Ashdown, Iain Barton

Child protection officer: Dan Brooker
Health and safety officer: Dan Brooker

Auditor: audited by Mike’s Preston office

Club Awards:
Vic Bratley Trophy = Will Gray
Jubilee trophy = Claire Koom-Dadzie
Adrian Ross Memorial trophy = Jack Valeri
Rebecca Seymour Memorial = Josh Freed

The meeting concluded at 8.32pm.

After Chris stood down as Chairman his successor, Mike Ellis Martin, thank him for all he had done for the club as athlete, coach, official and Chairman. Chris was presented with a card signed by many of the club’s members for which he thanked all concerned. Chris will continue to give assistance to the club even though he is taking a well deserved rest.